Shah Rukh Khan responded to Diljit Dosanjh's heartwarming post shared on X in his style. Diljit performed at the city of joy last night as a part of his magnificent Dil-Luminati India Tour and summed up the spirit of the city with "Karbo, larbo, jeetbo re" (We fight and we will win) mantra. Diljit shared the video on his X and called himself a Shah Rukh Khan fan. Replying to the post, Shah Rukh Khan wrote, "Thank you for bringing joy to the City of Joy, @diljitdosanjh Paaji. I'm sure all at @KKRiders and their fans love the Korbo Lorbo Jeetbo reference. All the best and have a great tour.... Love u." Take a look:
Thank you for bringing joy to the City of Joy, @diljitdosanjh Paaji. I'm sure all at @KKRiders and their fans love the Korbo Lorbo Jeetbo reference. All the best and have a great tour…. Love u
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 1, 2024
Diljit gave a roaring shout out to Shah Rukh Khan's mantra "Korbo larbo jeetbo re" during the concert. Diljit can be heard saying, "Karbo, larbo, jeetbo re... This is a very good tagline. Is it from the IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders? It's very nice. And specially, it's Shah Rukh Khan Sir's team, so I have to like it. Because I am a fan of Sir. It's a nice mantra as well. You work hard, fight with yourself. We are supposed to give our 100% no matter we win or not. If you work hard 100%, you will be victorious at any cost. It's a very good slogan."Sharing the video, Diljit wrote, "Thank you Kolkata. Love you. See you again."
Ahead of the concert, Diljit visited the iconic spots in Kolkata including Indian Coffee House, Howrah Bridge and the banks of the Ganges. Take a look:
Diljit's next stop is Bengaluru. He will wrap up his India leg of the tour in Guwahati on December 29.
from NDTV News- Special