Veteran actor Jeetendra and his wife, producer Shobha Kapoor, recently celebrated 50 years of togetherness with a grand celebration. To mark this milestone, the couple hosted a lavish bash at their Mumbai residence, which was attended by their close friends and family including Neelam Kothari, Krystle D'Souza, Raksesh Roshan, Samir Soni, and Ridhi Dogra. In a video shared on Instagram, Jeetendra is seen taking over the dance floor with director Rakesh Roshan. They groove to the iconic song Naino Mein Sapna from the 1983 film Himmatwala. Dressed in a black safari suit, our favourite Jeetu Ji impresses everyone with his dance moves. Reacting to the post, Krystle D'Souza dropped heart-eyed emojis in the comment section, while Patralekhaa also shared red heart emojis. Take a look:
Earlier, Krystle D'Souza also shared inside glimpses from the anniversary celebration. In the picture, Krystle is seen posing with Jeetendra and Shobha Kapoor. Next, Krystle, looking radiant in a black-and-gold ensemble, shares the frame with Ridhi Dogra and Ruchikaa Kapoor. They are dancing to the hit track Ooh La La from The Dirty Picture. The final slide was about a group performance on the iconic birthday song Baar Baar Din Ye Aaye. The side note read, “Last night was magical filled with so much love! Here's a glimpse of us girls with the evergreen dulha and dulhan.”
Jeetendra and Shobha Kapoor got married in 1974. The couple welcomed their first child, daughter Ekta Kapoor, in 1975. They became parents to Tusshar Kapoor in 1976.
Meanwhile, Rakesh Roshan is all set for the release of his Netflix docu-series titled Roshan Family. Directed by Shashi Ranjan, the show will explore the history of the Roshan family.
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