Tamannaah Bhatia is basking in the success of her latest film, Sikandar Ka Muqaddar. The Netflix project also features Avinash Tiwary and Jimmy Sheirgill in pivotal roles. Before her stellar performance in the crime drama, Tamannaah had the nation grooving to the beats of Stree 2's song Aaj Ki Raat. The actress, along with her Sikandar Ka Muqaddar co-stars, sat down for a chat with NDTV's Arun Singh. During the discussion, Tamannaah was asked if she believes her special appearance in Stree 2's song contributed to its commercial success. She replied, “I think it did. I find it really awkward to admit it.” When further asked if her song deserves credit for the blockbuster's revenue, Tamannaah humorously responded, “Itna pyaar mil gaya, aur kya credit karenge? [It got so much love, what more credit do I need?] Then, Dinu sir (producer Dinesh Vijan) will have to send me a paycheck from what was earned.”
Talking about the success of Aaj Ki Raat, Tamannaah Bhatia added, “What really worked for Aaj Ki Raat was that, when an actor tries to attempt a song and keeps a character in mind and performance of the song, it comes across quite differently. It is also about how your gaze is on the song. I never looked at just the glamour quotient of it. But I was channelling that.”
During the same discussion Avinash Tiwary, who played the role of Sikandar Sharma in Sikandar Ka Muqaddar, recalled his first meeting with Tamannaah Bhatia. The actor said, “I met Tamannaah for the first time in Agra during the reading of the film. We straight up started rehearsing. On our second day of rehearsal, we were in tune with our characters and then it became very easy and smooth.”
In addition to Avinash Tiwary, Jimmy Sheirgill and Tamannaah Bhatia, Sikandar Ka Muqaddar also features Divya Dutta and Rajiv Mehta in important roles. The film, directed by Neeraj Pandey, was released on Netflix on November 29. The movie marks the fourth collaboration between director Neeraj Pandey and Jimmy Sheirgill after A Wednesday, Special 26 and Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha.
from NDTV News- Special https://ift.tt/qV1RTyg