Former captain of the England Cricket Team, Michael Vaughan, who is currently in India covering the ICC Men's ODI World Cup, recently took to social media to share a video of himself getting a makeover at a roadside barber shop in Mumbai. While sharing the clip, the former batsman said that he received a "Diwali party trim" and a head massage from his "good friend Dinajayal.
In the timelapse video, the cricketer can be seen seated in a chair with a chair cloth as the barber trims his hair. A few seconds later, he is seen getting a head and shoulder massage, which he seems to enjoy. "Diwali party trim and head massage from my good friend Dinajayal on Ormiston Road in #Mumbai," he wrote on the microblogging site.
Diwali party trim and head massage from my good friend Dinajayal on Ormiston Road in #Mumbai .. @clubprairiefire #HappyDiwali #India !!
— Michael Vaughan (@MichaelVaughan) November 12, 2023
A few hours ago, the English cricketer took to X and shared a picture of himself getting a shave from the same barber. "Monday is shaving day on the Orminston Road with my good friend Dinjayal .. #Mumbai," he said in the caption.
Monday is shaving day on the Orminston Road with my good friend Dinjayal .. #Mumbai
— Michael Vaughan (@MichaelVaughan) November 13, 2023
Since being shared, his posts have amassed a lot of reactions from social media users.
"You can tell the barber after he is done "ekdum chakachak ho gaya" - he will absolutely love it," said a user.
A second person added, "Getting professional hair cut in the expensive showroom is a myth...You may get the best even road sides..."
"Great ur spreading our local boys for work !!" remarked a person.
"First with the haircut and now shaving. Obsession is unreal," added another user.
"This is so wholesome," added a user.
A social media user stated, "Immersive Indian experience! :D"
from NDTV News- Special