Mumbai witnessed a starry Friday night as some of the biggest names from the industry assembled under one roof for the opening ceremony of the Jio MAMI Film Festival 2023. Kareena Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Sonam Kapoor, Kamal Haasan, Karan Johar, Diana Penty, Jim Sarbh, Randeep Hooda walked the red carpet in their festive finery. Richa Chadha-Ali Fazal, Arjun Rampal-Gabriella Demetriades made appearances together. Shanaya Kapoor, Kritika Kamra, Tejasswi Prakash also rocked the red carpet in style. Shabana Azmi, Oscar-winning producer Guneet Monga also marked their presence. Let's take a look at their OOTNs from the event.
Priyanka Chopra stunned the Mumbai audience with her dazzling gown. She chose it from the collections of designer Tony Ward. Priyanka is the chairperson of this year's edition.
Sonam Kapoor made heads turn in a black structured outfit. She completed her look with pearl accessories.
Karan Johar was dressed in his traditional best.
Kamal Haasan attended the red carpet.
Bhumi Pednekar showed up in a green ensemble.
Aditi Rao Hydari looked pretty as ever in a traditional outfit.
Here's how Dia Mirza dressed up for the occasion.
Diana Penty's OOTN was surely something to look at.
Richa Chadha-Ali Fazal were all smiles for the camera.
Arjun Rampal and Gabriella Demetriades appeared like this.
Shanya Kapoor lit up the red carpet like this.
Kritika Kamra looked ravishing in an ensemble.
Tejasswi Prakash looked stunning in her ensemble.
Shabana Azmi was all smiles on the red carpet.
Jim Sarbh looked dapper as ever.
Randeep Hooda's swag couldn't be missed.
Guneet Monga was also spotted on the red carpet.
Babil Khan was dressed up for the occasion.
Ishaan Khatter showed up in a black suit.
Director Vikramaditya Motwane was present.
Vishal Bhardwaj and Rekha Bhardwaj marked their presence.
Siddharth was pictured solo on the red carpet.
Tillotama Shome and Shahana Goswami posed together on the red carpet.
Sobhita Dhulipala, Fatima Sana Shaikh stole the limelight like this.
The festival will be held at the Jio World Centre, a convention, theatre and concert hall complex in the Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) in Mumbai. The festival will run from today (October 27) to November 5. The curation boasts over 40 World Premieres, 45 Asia Premieres, and 70+ South Asia Premieres, with a record-breaking number of 1000+ submissions for the South Asia programme, reported ANI.
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