Bollywood celebs arrived in style for the screening of the upcoming horror series Adhura. The star cast of the Amazon Prime web series namely Rashika Dugal and Ishwak Singh attended the star-studded night in their festive finery. Mirzapur actress Rashika Dugal opted for a gorgeous black and blue jumpsuit. She completed her look with a stunning pair of earrings. She was joined by her Adhura co-star Ishwak Singh, who arrived for the party, looking dapper in a black suit. Take a look at the star cast's OOTN:
Other celebs marking their presence at the screening included Shruti Haasan and actress Rhea Chakraborty. Shruti slipped into a lovely black dress for the event while Rhea kept her look casual in a black top and jeans.
Take a look:
Hush Hush star Kritika Kamra was also spotted at the party in her casual best. Newly married actress Sonnalli Seygall posed for the shutterbugs stationed outside the venue.
Here are some pics from last night:
Actors Kunal Kapoor and Prateik Patil Babbar attended the screening and posed for the paparazzi.
Take a look:
Set around the themes of guilt, remorse, and revenge, Adhura unfolds through two timelines set in 2022 and 2007, as secrets and chilling events plague the students and staff of a prestigious boarding school.
The show features Rasika Dugal, Ishwak Singh, Shrenik Arora, and Poojan Chhabra in prominent roles. The seven-episode series is written by Ananya Banerjee. It has been produced by Monisha Advani, Madhu Bhojwani, and Nikkhil Advani of Emmay Entertainment.
from NDTV News- Special