On the occasion of their 27th wedding anniversary, producer Boney Kapoor remembered his wife, the late actress Sridevi and shared a very special post on Instagram. The filmmaker has posted a lovely throwback image in which he is seen alongside Sridevi in what appears to be Venice. In the image, Sridevi and Boney Kapoor can be seen smiling for the camera. In the caption, he wrote, “1996 2nd June we got married in Shirdi, today we complete 27 years.” Several fans of the actress shared just how much they miss the superstar in the comments section. Sridevi died in 2018 in Dubai, where she had gone to attend a family function.
A week ago, Boney Kapoor also celebrated 36 years of the iconic film Mr India, which featured Sridevi and, Boney Kapoor's brother, actor Anil Kapoor. In the caption of his Instagram post, he wrote, “The watch of invisibility turns 36! Cherished memories of Mr. India, a film that has gained the adulation of India and Indians and has become a cult classic over the decades,” and tagged the team.
Before that, Boney Kapoor shared a throwback image and a very special one at that. The image was the first ever photo he clicked with Sridevi. In the black and white image clicked in 1984, the two are smiling as they pose for the camera. Boney Kapoor, in the caption, wrote, “My first picture …… 1984.”
In February, on the occasion of Sridevi's death anniversary, Boney Kapoor shared an image and wrote, "You left us 5 years back ...... your love and memories will keep us going and will remain with us forever.”
Sridevi was best known for her work in films such as Moondram Pirai, 16 Vayathinile, Varumayin Niram Sivappu, Chandni, Lamhe, Mr India, Chaalbaaz, Nagina, Sadma, and English Vinglish, among others.
Boney Kapoor and Sridevi share two daughters, Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor. Boney Kapoor was previously married to the late Mona Kapoor, with whom he has two children - actor Arjun Kapoor and Anshula Kapoor.
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